How Much Water Should Be Drunk In A Day To Maintain Optimal Health

Nutritionists suggest dividing your weight into ounces by two. This is a simple formula to determine how much water should be drunk in a day to meet the recommended daily water intake threshold. Keep in mind that age, sex, and overall body mass are also determinants of maintaining optimal health.

How Much Water Should Be Drunk In A Day To Maintain Optimal Health
How Much Water Should Be Drunk In A Day To Maintain Optimal Health

We all know water is essential for life, but How Much Water Should Be drunk in a day to maintain optimal health? What is the recommended daily water intake? While the eight glasses of water per day rule remains valid, the suggested daily water intake depends on several factors.

In this post, we'll dive into the world of body hydration.  We shall explore the daily water recommendations and the accompanying benefits of drinking water. And debunk all myths about body hydration. So, let's quench your thirst for knowledge and discover the power of H2O!

How Much Water Should a Person Drink a Day to Maintain Optimal Health?

Drinking too much water leads to overhydration. However, less water intake has often been associated with several body disorders. Nevertheless, drinking water only when thirsty may be insufficient to keep the body hydrated.

Therefore, how much water a person should drink daily depends on various factors, such as age, sex, weight, activity levels, climate, and overall health.

How Much Water Should an Adult Drink per Day? 

The adult's suggested daily water intake is 6-8 glasses (approximately 1.5 -2 liters). However, this rule is subject to the mentioned factors since people vary from one to another.

 For instance, bigger individuals may require more water intake than others. On the other hand, those involved in intense activities or living in hotter climates lose more fluid. And require frequent replenishment to stay hydrated. Meanwhile, 2-4 glasses of water daily (0.5- 1 liters) are sufficient during body detoxification procedures and cures.

To achieve the above recommendations, the following formula may be applied to establish the recommended daily water intake case by case.

Food health experts and nutritionists suggest dividing your weight in ounces by two. This is a simple formula to determine how much water should be drunk in a day to meet the recommended daily water intake threshold. Keep in mind that age, sex, and overall body mass are also determinants of maintaining optimal health.

What is the Best Water To Drink

As we know it, water is a universal solvent of all living matter. It cleanses the body both in and out. Yet, it can be a medium for harmful toxins and bacteria to enter the body. Therefore, it's essential to choose carefully what water to drink.

Drinking water

This is the generally acceptable water for human consumption. This type of water contains small quantities of toxins such as cadmium, arsenic, or cyanide. Across the world, this amount of water impurities may be acceptable and considered safe. However, the cumulative effects of small toxin quantities dissolved in drinking water need further research to establish their level of impact on the human body.

Ionized Water or Alkaline Water

Ionized water is treated through electrolysis, which raises the water pH to 8.8. This process renders it stable and has a buffering capacity for acid, making it suitable for neutralizing excess acids in the blood. Ionized water is further attributed to its potent antioxidant elements. It's also a natural anti-aging agent with therapeutic benefits that are fit for those with reflux disease. 

Filtered water

Filtered water is passed through filtration. This process usually activates carbon that eliminates suspended particles and microorganisms, chlorine, and pesticides but may allow chemical contaminants through.

Mineral water

It is safe to drink spring water with quite a number of dissolved minerals and is considered the healthiest bottled water.

Reverse osmosis water

This is practically pure water treated through a reverse osmosis filtration machine. This process involves passing it via special membranes that filter out all mineral salts and water contaminants up to 95%.

Purified water

This is drinking water that has been purified through processes such as chlorination, filtration, ozonating, and reverse osmosis.

Distilled water

people often confuse distilled and purified water. Distilled water is chemically pure. The process involves boiling water and cooling the steam to condense, forming pure, toxin-free water droplets. It contains no microorganisms, heavy metals, or chemical contaminants. It does not supply mineral salts such as magnesium or calcium, and it's considered the best water for dehydration.

Benefits of Drinking Water

Like any other fluid, drinking water has numerous health benefits. First and foremost, water in the body helps maintain body temperatures, lubricating and cushioning joints and transporting nutrients and waste products. Water has also been identified as one of the safest drinks for losing weight. At the same time, it plays a key role in human digestion and cognitive function.

Drinking enough water daily will help maintain good health and boost the overall metabolic rate. It's advisable to drink water in moderation to avoid overhydration.

Although water forms a considerable percentage of all drinks for hydration. It should be taken considerably while listening to the body's thirst signals. The aim is to strike a balance between the benefits of drinking water and maintaining the recommended daily water intake rate.

To ensure you get the right amount of water to your body, consider tracking your daily water intake and adjusting your habits accordingly. Make it a priority in your daily routines, and you will start to experience the benefits of drinking water for your overall health.